How much a security system should cost

Factors Influencing Security Solution Costs

The cost of a security solution is influenced by numerous factors beyond the upfront expenses, including installation, maintenance, and operational costs.

The „lowest upfront cost” approach is always inadequate because of its limited consideration of factors. Instead, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model should be adopted, comprising acquisition, installation, maintenance, and operational costs.

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The total cost of the solution is composed of:

Complexity of the system will impact acquisition costs. Basic vs. complex scalable systems: Opting for a too-basic solution can lead to future inadequacies.
System Size: Larger installations require more hardware, software, and complex solutions.
Quality: System security built-in features, reliability, ease of use, scalability, reporting capabilities, and integration possibilities can define quality.
Integration: The capacity to integrate the system with other business applications such as HR systems or Active Directory;
Customization: a system tailored to specific needs can affect the system’s purchase price.

Complexity of installation impacts labor and material costs.
• Proper technical project and project management contribute to a smooth installation.
Wiring quality is crucial; faulty wiring impacts performance and maintenance.
Equipment installation and commissioning require skilled technicians, and engineers.

• Neglecting maintenance can lead to system degradation and loss of investment.
• Preventive Maintenance (PM) extends system life and reduces corrective visits.
• PM includes software support plans, technical inspections, and planned corrective maintenance.
• Corrective Maintenance addresses unexpected breakdowns and is more costly than PM.

• The salaries of administrators and operators influence operational costs.
• Training costs for system users are necessary due to software updates.
• Energy, IT equipment maintenance, and other ongoing expenses add up.

Cost Examples for Access Control

• Average access control system cost ranges from €800 to €3500 per door.
• Factors influencing cost include system complexity, quality, and integration.
• Cloud-based solutions can lower costs significantly.

Rolf Control Access Advantage

• Rolf Control Access emphasizes the TCO model and considers all cost factors.
• Offers cost-effective security solutions, leveraging 30 years of experience.

In conclusion, considering the entire cost spectrum, including acquisition, installation, maintenance, and operational costs, is crucial when evaluating security solutions. The TCO model and careful consideration of quality, complexity, and integration factors are essential for making well-informed decisions about security investments.

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